2130 Third
Transaction Highlights
Neighborhood: Mission Bay, SF
Use: Medical
Size: 175,000 sq. ft.
  • Created through a generous donation from a major donor
  • Innovative research and clinical facility houses the UCSF Department of Psychiatry: Child, Teen, and Family Center
  • 170,000 sq. ft. ground-up development by SKS Partners and Prado Group
  • Will be constructed through an innovative public-private partnership
  • UCSF and SKSP utilized tax-exempt bond financing under a development agreement, ground lease, and space lease structure whereby the building will be leased to UCSF for 34.5 years before reverting to UC ownership
  • 2130 Third Street will be built to LEED Gold Standards
  • This new cutting-edge building will serve as a global model for the destigmatization of mental health and provide a single location for a wide range of world-class psychiatric, mental health and neuropsychiatric care and research
  • This combination of cutting-edge and clinical research disciplines will be the first of its kind